Oticon Blog

Reasons to contact your hearing care professional

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Getting into a good routine in those early days with your hearing aids can be very important. There may, however, be reasons why you should get in touch with your hearing care professional.


If you experience persistent itching during or after wearing your hearing aids, it may be that you are dealing with an earpiece that is the wrong size, or maybe even an allergic reaction. Even though our hearing aids are thoroughly tested for allergies, some users can still be sensitive to the silicone and acrylic materials that are commonly used in earpieces.


There can be multiple explanations for sore ears when wearing hearing aids – all of which it would be a good idea to talk about with your hearing care professional. The size of the dome may need to be different; the wire in your ear may be too short; or the mould, which is custom cast to your ear, may be creating a small sore spot.


You should be able to feel and hear a clear difference when wearing hearing aids. If you are not experiencing this, it is definitely a good idea to contact your hearing care professional to get an assessment. Common reasons are plugged hearing aids, incorrect placement and a necessary adjustment of the sound.


If loud sounds hurt your ears or make you uncomfortable, this could be a sign that your hearing aids need adjusting and is a very good reason to get in touch with your hearing care professional.


Putting your hearing aids on correctly can make all the difference to the experience you have with them. If you feel as though you are not sure where exactly in the ear they should sit – or if your hearing aids don’t feel secure in your ear or fall out too easily – ask your hearing care professional to walk you through the correct insertion routine.